Custom Designed Containers
Planters, hanging baskets, terrariums, window boxes
Schedule an appointment now with our leading container designers! Bring your containers in or have us pick them up, and they'll be filled with beauty when you're ready for them
Mixed container designed by Pemberton's Greenhouses at www.PembertonsGreen
Mixed container designed by Pemberton's Greenhouses at www.PembertonsGreen
Pemberton's Greenhouses custom designed planter
Mixed container designed by Pemberton's Greenhouses at www.PembertonsGreen
Container gardens are a Pemberton's specialty
You'll find a huge selection of containers to fit any space and, of course, all the plants to go in them.
If you already have containers, we'll gladly pick them up, plant them, deliver them to your home or business, and place them.
Ashley Pemberton Herndon, co-owner and our lead designer, can create a unique look that fits your needs and sets you apart.
We also offer indoor plantscaping services. Just call us or stop by to get started!
Ashley Pemberton Herndon,