Garden Center
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Pemberton's Greenhouses, Lexington, Kentucky, is a full-service garden center and plant nursery, carrying a huge selection of annuals, perennials, house plants, grasses, tropical plants, blooming tropicals, flowering shrubs, Kentucky natives, native starter trees, container gardens, garden decor, gardening supplies, and offers services such as plant rental, contract growing, container design, indoor plantscaping, local delivery, and more.

25% off!
Shamrock Oxalis plants

World Frog Day
March 20

March 22
World Chipmunk Day
Consider planting things that chipmunks enjoy eating, like nut- and berry-producing trees and shrubs (we have oaks, walnuts, and American plums in stock now). We can order others for you.

Pansies & Violas

Reserve your date on our delivery calendar now for the return of your winter storage plants: 859-254-6552

Celebrate International Day of Forests, March 21:
Pick up our starter-sized, Kentucky native trees now and start creating your own beautiful & beneficial, backyard forest!

Spring perennials are here!

Online Plant Store
Opening soon!

Gift certificates

Flower Hours
Monday - Friday: 8am - 5pm
Saturday: 8am - 12pm (Spring extended hours to 4pm on Saturdays will begin April 19th)
Sunday: Closed
Major Holidays: Closed
At Pemberton's Greenhouses, many of our plants are grown in our own greenhouses.
You'll find a remarkable palette of plant varieties and colors that you can mix and match to enhance your landscape or garden, and beautify your home or business.
We have a huge selection of annual bedding plants, indoor and tropical plants, citrus, and Poinsettias to help you get the right plants for your space. We can also deliver your new plants anywhere in Central Kentucky.
Pemberton's also provides a wide range of products and services to help you design and plant your container or terrarium, or rent plants for an event.
Our famous Pemberton's Geraniums come in Central Kentucky's largest selection of colors and varieties.
You’ll also find expert advice to help make the best decisions for your space and budget.
We happily host garden club meetings and can accommodate most any size group and give presentations on a variety of gardening topics. Give us a call to discuss dates!